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South of Heaven Cycles LLC

Ride with Pride 

 (888) 764-2925


About Us:

When the weight of the world has got you down, the kids are growing up, and your job just doesn't satisfy. You buy a badass motorcycle to keep you going. And when you fall in love with the motorcycle more than you love your spouse, you better do something to save your marriage. 

And that's where the story starts. They knew that divorce would cost more than we were willing to spend, and having to do the mandatory therapy was going to be so boring that neither of them wanted to face the day. So they bought 2 Harley-Davidson Motorcycles. Falling in love with the motorcycle, Jeremy spent hours in the garage working on it, making any change he could. Instead of Crystal complaining about it, she grabbed a set of tools and started working on her own motorcycle. Soon they found a joy they had never experienced. The passion returned, the thrill of riding together created a spark that could only be matched by the heat of the engines. And Harleys run hot AF. 

When the shop Jeremy was working for started hitting problems, he knew it was time to do something on his own. Crystal supported Jeremy and began working on e-Commerce and prepping everything for online sales. 

Riding together created a feeling of friendship neither of them had felt since childhood, and they knew they had become best friends. And to celebrate their love, they grabbed a six pack and started brainstorming. South of Heaven Cycles LLC was born. 

Opening the webstore in 2024, with plans of opening a local shop as well, the dream continues to build. 

If you're reading this, hurry up and shop and then get back to riding. Because we all will die someday, but some of us will never live. 

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